
El Vinyet restaurant is placed in the village of Vila-rodona (Alt Camp shire) by the Gaià river and very close to Santes Creus, in the center of the Ruta del Cister (Cistercian Route).
This small and welcoming restaurant was opened in 1995 and can accomodate about 48 dinner guests. It was an old straw loft around 1900, reconditioned firstly as a winery (in 1960’s), then as a country house and, finally, as a restaurant. That’s why you will find a wine press, granaries, a water wagon and the kitchen in the original structure. Furthermore, if you look in detail there is a ring where they used to tie the donkey. Among all these atmosphere, you will find the laid tables waiting to be surrounded by parties and full of plates.
The room is ruled by Germà, co-owner of the restaurant. He has spend the whole life dedicated to the restaurant business, so he will get you through the menu and recomend you some special dishes for the week. The wish that people feels at home with their folks is present in every corner and every moment at El Vinyet.